Journal Articles
Siebers, P., Herath, D., Bardone, E., Farahbakhsh, S., Knudsen, P., Madsen, J., Mufti, M., Neumann, M., Richards, D., Seri, R., Secchi, D. (2020). On the quest for defining organizational plasticity: A community modelling experiment. Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship (online first).
Neumann, M. (2020). From organizing to organizations: a typological scale of human relations management outside the legal world. Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship (online first).
Voinea, C., Neumann, M. (2020). Political Culture: A Theory in Search for Methodology. An Editorial. Quality & Quantity 54(2): 335-360.
Neumann, M. Möhring, M. (2020). Outlaw gangs: Networks or organizations? Criminology – the online journal 2(1): 63 – 86.
Lorenz, J., Neumann, M. (2018). Opinion dynamics and collective decisions. Advances in complex systems 21(6/7): 1-9.
Neumann, M., Lotzmann, U. (2017). Simulation for interpretation. A methodology for growing virtual cultures. Journal for Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 20(3).
Neumann, M., Lotzmann, U., Troitzsch, K.G. (2017) Mafia war. Simulating conflict escalation in criminal organizations. Trends in Organized Crime 20(1-2): 139–178.
Neumann, M. and Elsenbroich, C. (2017) Introduction: The societal dimensions of organized crime. Trends in Organized Crime 20(1-2): 1-15.
Nardin, G., Andrighetto, G. Conte, R., Székely, Á. Anzola, D., Elsenbroich, C., Lotzmann, U., Neumann, M., Punzo, V., Troitzsch, K.G. (2016). Simulating protection rackets: a case study of the Sicilian Mafia. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 30/6: 1117–1147. 1-31.
Neumann, M., Sartor, N. (2016). A semantic network of laundering drug money. Journal of Tax Administration 2/1: 73 – 94
Neumann, M., Lotzmann, U. (2016). Simulation and Interpretation: a research note on utilizing qualitative research in agent-based simulation. International journal of swarm intelligence and evolutionary computing 5/1.
Neumann, M. (2015). Grounded Simulation. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 18(1).
Neumann, M. (2014). The Escalation of Ethnonationalist Radicalization: Simulating the Effectiveness of Nationalist Ideologies. Social science computer review 32/3: 312- 333.
Neumann, M. (2014). Time-scales of socio-cultural dynamics. Cybernetics and human knowing 21/1-2: 66-79.
Neumann, M., Srbljinovic, A., Schatten, M. (2014). Trust me, I know what I’m doing. European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities 3/2: 18 – 33.
Neumann, M., Srbljonivic, A. (2013). Essays on political actors and attitudes: Do they constitute distributed reflexivity? Part III: Long-Term Dynamics Towards Deliberative Democracy. European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities 2/4: 55 – 63.
Neumann, M., Srbljonivic, A. (2013). Essays on political actors and attitudes: Do they constitute distributed reflexivity? Part II: A Dynamical Typology of Rationality. European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities 2/3: 1– 9.
Neumann, M., Srbljonivic, A. (2013). Essays on political actors and attitudes: Do they constitute distributed reflexivity? Part I: Median voter theorem vs. competence fields. European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities 2/2: 9 – 17.
Neumann, M. (2012). The cognitive legacy of norm simulation. Artificial Intelligence and Law 20/4: 339 - 357.
Neumann, M. (2012). Modelling the securizitation of national identities. INDECS - Journal for Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 10/1 (2012) pp. 28 – 49.
Neumann, M., Heinke, E., Braun, A., Srbljinovic, A., Saqalli, M. (2011). Challenges in modelling social conflicts: Grappling with polysemy. Journal for Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 14/3.
Neumann, M. (2010). Norm Internalisation in Human and Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 13/1.
Neumann, M. (2008). Homo Socionicus: a case study of normative agents. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 11/4.
Neumann, M. (2007). Complexity of Social Stability: A Model-to-Model Analysis of Yugoslavia’s decline. INDECS – Journal for Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 5/2: 92 – 111.
Neumann, M. (2002). Die Messung des Unbestimmten: Die Geschichte der Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion eines Gegenstandsbereiches der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. Frankfurt a. M.:, Hänsel-Hohenhausen (2002). Review:
Ahrweiler, P., Neumann, M. (forthcoming). Advances in social simulation. Proceedings of the 15th social simulation conference. Cham: Springer.
Voinea, C., Neumann, M. (2020). Special issue on Political Culture Research Methodologies. Quality & Quantity 54(2).
Lorenz, J., Neumann, M. (2018). Special issue on opinion dynamics and collective decisions. Advances in complex systems 21(6/7).
Neumann, M., Elsenbroich, C. (2017). Special issue on societal dimensions of organized crime. Trends in organized crime 20(1-2).
Secchi, D., Neumann, M. (2015). Agent-based simulation of organizational behavior. New frontiers of social science research. New York: Springer. Review:
Book Chapters
Neumann, M., van Putten, C. (forthcoming). Growing criminal culture. Narrative simulation of conflicts in a criminal group. In: Derzsy, N. (ed.). Understanding crime through science. Interdisciplinary analysis and modeling of criminal activities. New York: Springer.
Neumann, M. (2019). The ontological science of collective terms: Johannes von Kries in social statistics. In: Wagner, G. (ed.). The legacy of Johannes von Kries. An interdisciplinary survey. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 101-117.
Anzola, D., Neumann, M., Möhring, M., Troitzsch. K.G. (2017). National Mafia-Type Organisations: Local Threat, Global Reach. In: C. Elsenbroich, N. Gilbert, D. Anzola (eds.). Societal Dimensions of Organized Crime. New York: Springer, pp. 9-23.
Neumann, M., Lotzmann, U. (2017). Text data and computational qualitative analysis. In: C. Elsenbroich, N. Gilbert, D. Anzola (eds.). Societal Dimensions of Organized Crime. New York: Springer, pp. 155-176.
Lotzmann, U., Neumann, M. (2017). A simulation model of intra-organisational conflict regulation in the crime world. In: C. Elsenbroich, N. Gilbert, D. Anzola (eds.). Societal Dimensions of Organized Crime. New York: Springer, pp. 177-213.
Neumann, M., Frazzica, G., Punzo, V. (2017). Mechanisms of the embedding of extortion racket systems. In: A. A. Stachowicz-Stanusch, G. Mangia, A. Caldarelli, W. Amann (Eds.). Dark side of Organization and social irresponsibility: Tool and theoretical insights. Charlotte: Information age publishing. pp. 259-286.
Neumann, M., Lotzmann, U. (2016). Eine Herrschaft des Terrors: Gewalteskalation in illegalen Organisationen. In: C. Equit, A. Grönemeyer and O. Schmidt (Eds.) Situationen der Gewalt. Wiesbaden, Beltz, pp. 278 – 302.
Neumann, M., Secchi, D. (2015). Exploring the new frontier: Computational studies of organizational behavior. In: D. Secchi, M. Neumann (Eds.). Agent-based simulation of organizational behavior. New frontiers of social science research . New York: Springer, pp. 1-16.
Neumann, M., Cowley, S. (2015). Modelling social agency using diachronic cognition: learning from the Mafia. In: D. Secchi, M. Neumann (Eds.) Agent-based simulation of organizational behavior. New frontiers of social science research. New York: Springer, pp. 289-310.
Neumann, M. (2014). How are norms brought about? A state of the Art. In: R. Conte, G. Andrighetto, M. Campenni (Eds.). Minding Norms: Mechanisms and dynamics of social order in agent societies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 50 – 66.
Neumann, M. (2014). An Ontology of extortion racket systems. In: C. Voinea, B. Todosijevic, G. Boella (Eds.). Political Attitudes and Mentalities: Eastern European Political Cultures. Modelling Studies. Bucharest: Ars Docendi, pp. 123 – 133.
Neumann, M. (2013). Grounded Simulation. In: Kaminski, B., Koloch, G. (Eds.) Advances in Social Simulation. Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the ESSA. New York: Springer, Advances in Intelligent systems and computing 229, pp. 352 – 359.
Neumann, M., Cowley, S. (2013). Human agency and the resources of reason. In: S. Cowley, F. Vallee-Tourangeau, F. (Eds). Cognition beyond the brain. New York: Springer, pp. 13 – 30.
Amblard, F., Geller, A., Neumann, M., Srbljinović, A., Wijermans, N. (2010). Analyzing Social Conflict via Computational Social Simulation: A Review of Approaches. In: K. Martinás, D. Matika, A. Srbljinović (Eds.) Complex Societal Dynamics - Security Challenges and Opportunities. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 126 – 141.
Neumann, M. (2010). Sensitivity and Significance: how to analyze the complexity of conflict dynamics? In: K. Martinás, D. Matika, A. Srbljinović (Eds.). Complex Societal Dynamics - Security Challenges and Opportunities. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 158 – 174.
Neumann, M. (2010). A Classification of normative Architectures. In: K. Takadama, C. Cioffi-Revilla, G. Deffuant (Eds.) Simulating Interacting Agents and Social Phenomena. New York: Springer, pp. 3 – 18.
Neumann, M. (2009). Measuring the Uncertain: a concept of objective single case probabilities. In: Loewe, B. et al. (Eds.) Foundations of the Formal Sciences VI: Reasoning about Probabilities and Probabilistic Reasoning. London: KCL Press (2009) pp. 189 – 215.
Neumann, M. (2009). Emergence as an explanatory principle in Artificial Societies. In: Squazzoni, F. (Ed.) Epistemological Aspects of Computer Simulation in the Social Sciences. EPOS 2006 Invited and Selected Papers, LNAI 5466, Berlin, Springer (2009) pp. 69 – 88. Review:
Neumann, M. (2006). A formal bridge between epistemic cultures. In: B. Loewe (Ed.) Foundations of the Formal Sciences IV: The History of the Concept of the Formal Sciences, Studies in Logic Vol. 3. London: KCL Press (2006) pp. 169 – 182.
Chapters in Handbooks
Neumann, M., Lorenz, J. (forthcoming). Simulation in der Politikwissenschaft. In: Wagemann, C., Goerres, A., Siewert, M. (eds.). Handbuch der Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Neumann, M., Troitzsch, K.G. (2019). Social Simulation. In: Atkinson. P. (ed.). The SAGE encyclopedia of research methods. Newbury Park: Sage, doi: 10.4135/9781526421036764890.
Verhagen, H., Neumann, M., Singh, M. (2019). Normative multiagent systems: Foundations and history. In: Verhagen, H., Singh, M., Governatory, G. (Eds.). Handbook on normative multiagent systems. Open University Press, pp. 3-25.
Neumann, M., (2013). Social Constraints. In: B. Edmonds, R. Meyer (Eds.). Handbook on Simulating Social Complexity. New York: Springer, pp. 335 – 364 (2nd Ed. 2017 pp. 411– 442).
Neumann, M. (2010). An epistemological gap in simulation technologies and the science of society. In: E. Blanchard, D. Allard (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Culturally-Aware Information Technology: Perspectives and Models. Hershey: IGI Publishers, pp. 114 – 135.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Neumann, M. Lotzmann, U. (2016). Growing criminal culture. A framework for simulation in interpretive research. In: Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference SSC 2016, Rome.
Neumann, M., Lotzmann, U. (2016). Sanction recognition: A simulation model of extended normative reasoning. In: Proceedings of the COIN/NorMAS Workshop, The Hague.
Lotzmann, U., Neumann, M., Moehring, M. (2015). From Text to agents: process of developing evidence based simulation models. In: Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Varna.
Balke, T., Mahmoud, S., Neumann, M., Verhagen, H. (2014). Analysing the Electrical Patient Recruiting Agent system using the WIT trinity. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Intelligence (ECSI 2014), CEUR proceedings series.
Neumann, M., Lotzmann, U. (2014). Modelling the collapse of a criminal network. In: Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Brescia.
Neumann, M. (2013). Simulation of ethnic conflicts in Yugoslavia. In: EEW-PAM Conference Proceedings, 1st Eastern European Exploratory Workshop on Political Attitudes and Mentalities, Bucharest.
Markisic, S., Neumann, M., Lotzmann, U. (2012): Simulation of ethnic conflicts in former Yugoslavia. In: Troitzsch, K.G., Möhring, M., Lotzmann, U. (Eds.). 26th European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2012, Koblenz.
Neumann, M. (2012). Securizitating the nation: Simulating the dynamics at the case of Yugoslavia. In: Proceedings of the 5th IMA international conference on influence and conflict, Sandhurst.
Neumann, M. (2010). Pathways to ethnic cleansing. In: Ernst, A., Kuhn, S., et al. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Social Simulation WCSS2010. Kassel, Germany: Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel.
Neumann, M. (2009). Dissecting the BOID Perspective on Norms. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Social Simulation Association Conference, Surrey.
Amblard, F., Geller, A., Neumann, M., Srbljinović, A., Wijermans, N. (2009). A Meta-Analysis of Social Conflict: The Social Simulation Comprehensive Approach. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Social Simulation Association Conference, Surrey.
Neumann, M. (2008). Legitimacy and Conflict: an architecture of an integrated perspective. In: Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association, Brescia.
Neumann, M. (2008). A Classification of normative Architectures. In: Proceedings of the 3rd world congress of social simulation, Washington.
Neumann, M. (2008). Cognitive Architectures of normative agent systems and social mechanisms of emergence and immergence. In: Proceedings of the AISB Convention 2008, Aberdeen.
Neumann, M. (2007). Two Dimensions of Sociality: Institutions and Positions. A Model-to-Model Analysis. In: Proceedings of the Third international Model-to-Model Workshop, Marseille.
Neumann, M., Yilmaz, M. (2005). Replication and Analysis of a Model of the Emergence of the State. In: Toitzsch, K.G. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of the European Social Simulation Association, Koblenz.
Neumann, M. (2005). Emergent Social Ontology. Examples from Artificial Societies. In: Hill, D. et al. (Eds.). OICMS 2005, Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand.
Neumann, M. (2018). Review of Michael Thompson: Rubbish theory. European Societies 20/4: 692-694.
Neumann, M. (2016). Review of Manuel DeLanda: Philosophy and Simulation. The emergence of synthetic reason. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 19/3.
Neumann, M. (2013). Review of Agent-based computational sociology by Flaminio Squazzoni. European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities 2/2: 71–72.
Neumann, M. (2009). Review of David N. Sichman, J.S. (Eds.): Multi-Agent-Based Simulation IX. Berlin: Springer 2009. Journal for Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12/4.
Neumann, M. (2008). Review of Frank van Overwalle: Social Connetionism: A Reader and Handbook for Simulation. New York: Psychology Press 2007. Journal for Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 11/3.